The Montreal Independent Film Festival has recently announced the winners of its latest edition and the festival has truly turned into a great global platform for international filmmakers and it is growing in popularity every day.
The festival is not just about giving out trophies but providing the best tools in screening, promoting, and featuring international films and creating support for indie filmmakers and film projects.
All the award recipients of the monthly editions are also further nominated for the annual awards.
This makes the festival a very unique international film festival and an organization which continues to support independent filmmakers from all over the world.
The festival has various categories which have recently been expanded to include awards such as Best Female Director and Best First Time Director. The festival is international in nature but it also has a category to recognize and award the Best Canadian Film.
Here are the Winners of the Montreal Independent Film Festival:
Best Feature Film
The Battle Of Shangri-La
Best Feature Film Director
Between Pain And Amen
*Excellence In Feature Directing*
All Abroad
Legacy Of Lies
Havana Kyrie
Best Short Film
The Rage
Best Feature Documentary
What Lies Inside
Best Short Film Directing
Little Sicily
Special Mention Short Directing
Nowhere To Go
Best Short Documentary
Shadows of Light
Best Feature Documentary Directing
The Remandee
*Excellence In Feature Documentary*
The Quiet Revolution: State, Society And The Canadian Horror Film
This Hits Home
The Blinding Sea
Best Canadian Narrative Feature
John 316
Best Canadian Narrative Short
Best Actor
Havana Kyrie
Best Actress
Best Edit
Best Thriller
Best Script
Then And There, Here And Where
*Excellence In Scriptwriting*
Birds Of A Feather
Leave Me To The Wolves
Best Canadian Documentary
Guardians Of Grasslands
Best Experimental Feature
Best Experimental Feature Director
Saint Clair Cemin
Best Experimental Short
Can't kill Us All
Best Experimental Short Directing
Separated Waves Of One Ocean
*Award Of Excellence In Experimental Filmmaking*
The Skin I'm In
Night Visions
Slice Of Life
Best Comedy
The Announcement
Best Feature Horror
Best Short Horror
Shut Eye
Best Animation
Copper Bone
Best Student Film
Grandmas River
Best Student Film Director
The Trial
Best Canadian Student Film
La Crise
*Excellence In Student Filmmaking*
Oh To Be A Child
Harra And Donkey
Best Cinematography
Ars Nature
*Excellence In Cinematography*
Willie In The Sky
Best Composer
Best Female Director
Lords Of BSV
Best Animation Directing
The Unlucky Hamster
*Award Of Excellence In Animation Directing*
The Very Special Day
Forrest League
Best T.V Series
Smoking Gun
*Award Of Excellence In TV Series*
Choose Me: An Abortion Story
Best Music Video
David Koresh Fan Club
Best Music Video Directing
I Don't Need Another
*Excellence In Music Video Directing *
8 Minutes & 46 Seconds
Black Metal Romance
You're The Kind Of Guy
Best Science fiction
Best Science Fiction Director
Allan Ellen
Best Independent Producer
The Way That I Am
Best Action/Thriller
Legacy Of Lies
Best First Time Drama Filmmaker
The Way That I Am
Best First Time Documentary Filmmaker
The Blinding Sea